
My name’s Niamh and I use they/them pronouns. 

I’m not entirely sure when it happened, becoming conscious of the world. I remember the feelings of wonder and awe quickly becoming ones of anger and disappointment as I realised that our world was being treated as single-use by those in power. And I remember being wholly overwhelmed by the expectations being placed upon young people. How was it believed that we could finish school with flying colours, work to fund our future, and save the planet at the same time?

As I threw myself into conservation work, protesting, volunteering, and educating, my own needs were being pushed to the back of the pile. I needed direction, and other like-minded people. That’s when Crunchtime materialised. Joining the Crunchtime crew solidified my time and energy into one place, and gave me the direction I needed to grow around my involuntary responsibilities. While I’m still trying to prioritise all the pieces of my life, crunching has absolved my fear of the future. If these are the people leading my generation, we’re in good hands.

I’ll leave here a quote that I believe sums up the essence of my Crunchtime, I hope it stirs you the same as it stirs me.

“The world should have protected you, but you have been asked to protect it. What an honour, what an injustice.”