
 My name is Juliet Fontaine and I use she/her pronouns.

My journey into the activism has been an embarrassingly late and selfish one. All my life I found myself feeling out of place- as cliché as that sounds. To counter this low self-esteem and feeling of alienation I threw myself wholeheartedly into the party scene, probably a little too early. After a year of superficial happiness, distractions and connections I hit an all-time low and knew I was doing something wrong.

Needing change I threw myself into things that sparked joy for me, my passions: feminism, sexology, environmental protection, music, genuine connections, fashion and I found that the world lit up around me. I reconnected to the feelings of joy and life I hadn’t felt since I was a child, and I realised; this is how you do it right.

The idea for Crunchtime came to me from a feeling of injustice, that society, my teachers at school, and angry teenage boys, had dulled me and convinced me that my voice was not of worth. I never want anyone to feel like this but I do want them to feel the joy for life and purpose that I have found in finding myself and contributing to the world. So, I truly hope I can help anyone and everyone with this, in some way big or small. I’m so excited to meet you all and change the world together.


Its Crunchtime!