
My name is Poppy Collins and I use she/her pronouns.

From early on I've been passionate about the need to protect this place we call home, using My voice to fight for MY future.

However I had a rocky journey in the latter years of highschool. Over time the words of others got to me, I felt silly and unworthy of the space I held. I became stuck in this race for society's acceptance, whilst falling victim to the system embedded in our education and culture. This left me feeling very lost within myself and disconnected from the present. I was unhappy. I forgot my passions and isolated myself from the world, from land.

Since then I've spent a lot of time self analysing, working really hard on learning who 'Poppy' is. By remembering how to listen and learn from myself, slowing down, sharing and being in nature, I've gradually begun to reconnect. I feel a sense of belonging within my own being and it's really exciting! I still have a lot of growing to do, but I've rekindled all those passions I once held and discovered more: Biomimicry, surfing, feminism, valued kinships, education, arts and crafts and having a good old boogie.

I think joining Crunchtime was honestly just an evolutionary point from a series of convos with the team and yeah this is where I've ended up. I'm super keen to empower others to OWN their voice and use our collective power to create change. Stoked to just be down right raw with the world around me whilst also striving for Eutierria.