
My name is Jacob and I use he/him pronouns.

I don’t really know how I got here. The last couple of years have been a massive journey of self-discovery - one which I’ve only just begun, really. 

All through highschool I was essentially a d*ickhead. By this I mean I was far too concerned about appearing cool, slick, smooth, nonchalant, aloof  - whatever. And I hurt people in the process of keeping up appearances. Thankfully, I met people and had experiences which showed me another side to the world - one which made it a more habitable place. I discovered that everything felt much better if I stopped acting like other people and started acting like me.

So I began unpicking myself from the trap of superficial coolness - something I’m definetely still working on. I discovered the true meaning of cool: focusing on my passions, which are education, mycology, politics, art, the environment, community, music and soccer. And I’ve had a lot of fun ever since. And done some cool stuff too. 

My passion for education has led me back to school after graduating last year, where I’m helping mentor some out of the box learners to pursue their own passions. In early 2023 my friend Jordan Mundey and I released Crunch Time: Saving Tura’s Biodiversity and things have kept rolling on from there. For now, I'm working towards this goal:

To heal the wounded lands on planet Earth and usher in a new phase of the Anthrocene characterised by regeneration and diversity.