Hiya I'm Freya, I use he/they/she pronouns!!

I’m one of the young people behind Crunch Time Australia, a project which i’m thrilled to share with you all:] 

I'm 18 years old, a recent high school graduate (woo!), just vibing through my gap year before university:0 I'm partial to Hozier, and one day I'm determined to see his live performances. 

I’ve always had a kind of ache in me when looking at the state of the world, conscious of the inequities and injustices of society. As I’m aware so many my age are. It can be scary, and incredibly overwhelming. Sometimes it feels like I’m the only one in the world who seems to care, the only one who is even aware of the issues that impact us, and it can be lonely.

It took time, but fortunately I was lucky enough to find people who shared this awareness, and together we sparked that ache of mine into a passion for meaningful change. 

I realised that I don’t want anyone to feel that same weight of seemingly being alone in consciousness. I want to connect like minded people with one another, hence, this project found me.

Crunch Time seemed to be the natural progression of the combined enthusiasm of some wonderful people, a group of which I’m now lucky enough to be a part of. Believe it or not, none of us have ever started an organisation before, so we kinda threw ourselves into the deep end. I’m glad we did, because in the few short months we’ve been working together, I've learnt an incredible amount: not only about organisational management, but also my own self and values (how this became my life I have no idea).

I’m so excited to share and grow this project with everyone, so without further ado:

It’s crunch time!